The Wednesday Circle

"There is a time and a place for everything. I just forgot the time and the place."

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Purpose Not Profit

Another article from bubblegeneration

An exerpt…

“I used to talk quite a bit about purpose. In the last few days, the idea is making the rounds again. I stopped largely because I felt my def of purpose had been hijacked by intellectually and morally bankrupt snake-oil salesmen like Rick Warren - because it had taken on the color of religion.But let's discuss for a sec. How can we define purpose? My def is simple: foregoing near-term profit (but not value creation). Put another way, trading financial capital for social, cultural, or intellectual capital. Put another way, not selling out…”

This guy is so much more interesting and on the ball than people like Naomi Klein, it's not even funny.