Noam Chomsky vs Michel Foucault
Noam vs Foucault
Nice to be able to see people actually explaining their ideas, as opposed to having to read them in a book.
And, to be honest, its even nicer to see 2 thinkers like this discussing and exchanging ideas.
Maybe they'll speak of TWC in the same breath as these two in years to come...
Nice to be able to see people actually explaining their ideas, as opposed to having to read them in a book.
And, to be honest, its even nicer to see 2 thinkers like this discussing and exchanging ideas.
Maybe they'll speak of TWC in the same breath as these two in years to come...
At 2:19 AM, July 28, 2006,
Anonymous said…
An interesting discussion between two of the heavyweights and to be quite honest, that was exactly how I felt about it; two highly skilled athletes providing me with a sense of dislocation from the world.
At 11:29 AM, July 28, 2006,
KH said…
hmmmm, another example of how words alone often lack meaning.
I can't figure out if you're saying that dismissively or enthusiastically.
Not that it matters I guess. What does matter is how excitable Foucault is. Having recently spent time around the French family it reminds me of the way that they discuss things at any given time. This is not discussion in the Spanish sense (i'll compare it to something I know) where talking is a national pasttime. This is a different type of dicussion, where the exchange of ideas appears as important as the actual speaking itself.
As someone who grew up in a world where genuine discussion and exchange of thoughts, both social and academic, is all too often muted and dull, (see Chomsky's mannerisms, not his arguments, as an example)it makes me long for the French experience again.
To see, within the general population, a genuine passion for, and priority placed on, discussion made me reminisce about the UWS days and that fake lecturer's (i forget his name, the Sports Psych dude) epiphanic mantra of "process not outcome".
If we could embed in all cultures the type of desire for idea exchange I've noted in the French, the world could not help but be a very different place.
At 5:52 PM, July 30, 2006,
Anonymous said…
The danger though is that some people will inevitably think that their 'ideas' are more valuable than others.
Still, it's a nice problem to have, isn't it? The capacity to express....
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