The Wednesday Circle

"There is a time and a place for everything. I just forgot the time and the place."

Thursday, September 28, 2006

What a natural...


Up There Hilaly

The pictures speak for themselves.

I haven't laughed that hard in years (ok, maybe days, but you get the idea...)

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Booodogs!!! You didn't do iiit!!

Friday, September 15, 2006

What happens when success gets to your head...

My comment on the bubblegeneration blog

I really enjoy Umair's insights on strategic innovation, but he's out of control.

The irony is that his reponse to my comment was itself aggresive and uncivil - even after I explained (which I didn't have to do) why I asked if he was censoring comments.

I'm also still not sure why he refuses to acknowledge that he censors comments when his actions, even as described by himself, are a perfect definition of the process.

Furthermore, this, from my experience of reading his blog, is indicative of his approach to others who disagree with his opinions on strategy.

What a shame that someone with so much to offer has convinced himself that he alone is the sole proprietor of correctness in relation to the future of a field of study.

Make sure this doesn't happen to you, Sleiman. It's exactly this that I was speaking about in my earlier post in the topic on natural/man-made.

Again its up to me to lighten the mood..

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

This deserves a snap-kick to the head....

In the midst of a moment
the past plays midwife to existence.
Relections on the future collapse
within fortified history.
Knowledge becomes a crutch as
illusions of movement exacerbate injury.
Strands of the web living forever
independently forget that en masse
they have caught no fly
other than themselves.

I can hear the Twilight Zone music now. But hey, I have no excuse, just a reason... ;)

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Happy Birthday Sleiman

Only missed it by a couple of days this time...I'm getting better in my old age :)

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I'm not a cat so....

Is it natural if it's man-made?

I don't mind a bit of 'logic' for this, as I'm curious to see how I will react to any responses.