The Wednesday Circle

"There is a time and a place for everything. I just forgot the time and the place."

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

This deserves a snap-kick to the head....

In the midst of a moment
the past plays midwife to existence.
Relections on the future collapse
within fortified history.
Knowledge becomes a crutch as
illusions of movement exacerbate injury.
Strands of the web living forever
independently forget that en masse
they have caught no fly
other than themselves.

I can hear the Twilight Zone music now. But hey, I have no excuse, just a reason... ;)


  • At 1:10 PM, September 15, 2006, Blogger KH said…

    Bro - who wrote this.

    It sounds like something out of the back of Brian Booth's Developing Motor Skills Course.

    "When the Apple of truth is infiltrated by the worm of ignorance..." - hahahahaha


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